3 ways to improve customer satisfaction

In the world of Professional Answering Services we want to make sure that we are always going above and beyond to ensure our customers always enjoy the best possible customer service experience.

Why? Because we know it is what they deserve.

In fact, we feel so strongly about this fact that we have taken the time to develop a strategy designed to handle even the most complex interaction both quickly and efficiently. This approach helps to improve customer satisfaction while also increasing the overall morale of your team as it offers them a clear path to follow.

So how is it done? Here are our three simple steps.

1: Clarify

This may sound easy, but we know that clear communication is the key to every interaction.  Taking the time to listen, verify and completely understand the situation is primary. Asking the client to state their issue, and allowing them the time they need to do so helps to set the stage.  Then check for understanding before moving forward.

This approach solidifies our practice of valuing every customer by acknowledging and responding to their concerns.

2: Empathize & Remain Calm

A few kind words go a long way!  Showing empathy or even apologizing for issue can be as simple as, “ I am so sorry you have this issue.  Please know that I will look into this and we will work together to resolve it.” Remember, whatever the issue, it is significant enough that your customer reached out to you.

Also, remain calm during your conversation.  A gentle tone will help to avoid escalating any situation so you can take the steps necessary towards a positive resolution.

3: Offer Solutions

Once all the facts are gathered, provide your customer the options of possible solutions.

In other words, give them a choice.

This allows your customer to have a voice in how the situation will be resolved and gives them some level of control over the process. People respond better when they are given options.

For example:

Instead of saying “I’m sorry you experienced that. Here is how I can solve the problem.”

You might want to try something like “I’m sorry for your experience. There are a few options for how we can move forward. Which would you prefer?”

The difference? Approach. As a Professional Answering Service we usually know the option our customer will choose. But by allowing them to may not change the outcome, per say, but we will change the customer experience. Now we have taken their preferences into account and have made them a part of their own solution.

It is the “heart” of a Telephone Answering Service to provide great customer service. We answer and assist all types of callers 24/7/365.  It is worth our time and effort to ensure we are there when our own customers need us.  After all, their success is our success.  We are partners!

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